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Eshikufu Primary School

Eshikufu Primary School


0.0236° S, 37.9062° E

0.0236° S, 37.9062° E

Rainwater Catchment

Rainwater is collected off strategic areas of a roof, enters a custom guttering system (which filters out debris) and leads to a storage tank. Tanks can vary in sizes and are determined by population and average rainfall patterns. Water can be stored for months, is easily treated in the tank, and is accessible through taps. These projects are implemented at schools with proper roof lines and gutter systems to make them successful.

Rainwater Catchment
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“I have always had it rough in the kitchen because the water that the students bring is never enough to help me work effectively. I am really feeling peaceful in my heart.” – MAMA JANE

Project Details

The Community

Eshikufu Primary School was established in 2011 on a one-acre piece of land initially belonging to Mr. Khasolo. The main purpose for starting Eshikufu Primary School was to reduce the long distance and the risk encountered by children crossing the busy tarmac road and bridges to Enyapora Primary School.

In 2012, the enrollment was 82 pupils with just one classroom. Since then, the current student enrollment is 856.

Students learn mathematics, English, Kiswahili, social studies, sciences, and religious education.

Students carry water to school along with their books, but it rarely lasts through lunchtime. There is no water at Eshikufu Primary School, and the students get thirsty throughout the day. They typically band together, grab their yellow jerrycans, and head off to a community spring to bring back water.

Pupils spend a lot of time collecting water, and the time that would have been invested in studying and getting better grades is wasted.

The Solution

Rainwater Catchment Tank
A rainwater catchment tank will help curb water scarcity at the school, enabling pupils to settle back into a steady class routine. The 50,000-liter tank will be used for drinking, cooking lunch, handwashing, and cleaning the latrines and classrooms.

VIP Latrines
Two triple-door latrines will be constructed with local materials that the school will help gather. Three will serve the girls while the other three serve the boys. And with water on school grounds, there will be enough to keep the new latrines clean.

Two handwashing stations will be delivered to the school, and the club will fill them with water on a daily basis and make sure there is always a cleaning agent such as soap or ash.

Training will be held for two days for hygiene and sanitation training. There will also be ambassadors for hygiene and sanitation chosen from the student body at school and families at home.

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